
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Life is tough...and running makes me tougher.

I have to admit, these last few weeks have been hard.  I recently started school full time, and add an almost full-time job to that, moving twice, and therefore a complete lack of social interactions - life has really taken it out of me, physically and emotionally.

I've tried to stay consistent with my running, though.  I'm proud to report my weekly milage has only gone down by about 20%.  Which is much better than 50%, or dare I say, 100%.

Running has also kept me somewhat sane.  I love looking back at the runs I've tracked on my phone.  It just gives me such a huge sense of accomplishment.  Seeing my runs in retrospect adds a degree of separation, so I can see them more objectively, rather than being biased by my crushing sense of perfectionism.

Lately, I've found it more difficult to get motivated to run, either because it's too late when I get home, or I'm too tired from the day.  But once I'm on that run, to have that precious time all to myself, it is completely worth it.

While I'm on the run, I feel so strong, which is a welcome feeling when life gets tough.  I think this has a lot to do with the endorphins, but that extra boost of confidence is just what I need sometimes to wake up the next day and start all over.

I'll get through this, day by day.  And I'll keep running.  It's the least I can do for myself.

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