
Friday, March 20, 2015

No more races?

I'm getting to a point where I love running.  I love having that time to myself to forget about the million things I worry about at any given time, to be able to zone out, learn something new on my favorite podcast, and see what my body can do.  That being said, I don't think I love racing.  Granted, I've only run three.  But, while I feel like a lot of people run to race, I just run to run.  For now, I think I might hold off on the races, and these are some reasons why:

  1. I'm broke.  Well, maybe not exactly, but I have some major things I'm saving up for, and I'd rather put my 20, 30, 40 dollars towards that than another 5k.
  2. I'm not that competitive.  I'm fiercely competitive with myself, but when it comes to sports, I could care less if I lose to others.  I think most of it is because I'm just not a fast runner.  When you go into a race knowing that there is no chance of placing, doesn't it defeat the purpose of competing in the first place?
  3. I don't want to support the charities.  Now before you call me a terrible person, hear me out.  I'm not blind to what goes on in most major charities.  I know only a tiny percentage of that money ever goes to the people who need it.  I'm a little less suspicious of local charities, but a lot of these support "Town X Library", and because I don't live in Town X, I really don't care about giving money to their facilities.  I'm very passionate about overseas aid, but I think giving money to these causes is futile, and sometimes harmful.  If you want to read more about my stance on that, you can go here.  Long story short, I fullheartedly believe that if you want to fix a problem, go and do something about it.  Throwing money at the issue by running races won't help anything.

That's not to say I will never race.  I just want to stick to races that I REALLY want to do, rather than actively seeking them out just because I feel like I haven't raced in a while.  I'm already signed up for the Wineglass Half Marathon in October, and I have my eye set on some local 5ks (and maybe a triathlon?).  I don't need to race a ton to validate myself as a runner, but if one comes along, then I might consider it.

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