I'm sitting up in bed right now with a pillow against my back. I would put a heating pad on it, but I'm already sweating just lounging around in my home, and I don't have air conditioning. I think I strained something right in the curve of my spine - nothing too serious, I'm sure, but it's making me think nonetheless.
This is probably the first time I have ever had a backache, and I think it's correlated to my run this afternoon. It was hot, but the humidity was the real killer today. I didn't take this into account, or rather, I chose not to take it into account. So I would have to put int a little more effort to keep a pace I liked - working a little harder won't kill me.
After the first mile, I realized my pace was almost a full minute slower than what I wanted to maintain. I was already really uncomfortable at this point. My stomach was queasy, and my quads were unusually tight. But my lungs were still feeling good, so I did the rest of my run at a much faster pace, trying to make up for lost time.
As soon as I got into my car, my back spasmed. I was still able enough to run the rest of my errands for the day, but I definitely had a hunchback doing them.
I think I overdid it. I think I am overdoing it.