
Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Taking a Break during Marathon Training

Training for the Madison Marathon is in full gear, and I've been more strict about my workout schedule than ever.  20-25 miles a week, with one day of cross training, one day of yoga, and one long run.  Until this week.

I've been going through some massive personal changes - mostly good ones, but they're throwing me for a loop nevertheless.  The idea of sticking to my training schedule completely overwhelmed me, and this week, I really had to evaluate the reasons I run.  Do I run because I want to achieve something, or do I run because it feels good to me?

For me, it is the latter.

And since marathon training right now is causing me stress and anxiety, I am taking a break.  Probably for a week, maybe for two.  I did go for a slow run in the rain yesterday, which matched my Eeyore-mood (I also got my first high-five from a stranger), but I did it because I needed to clear my head, not because I was trying to hit paces or build up fitness.

So here I am, taking a break from marathon training, and I refuse to let myself feel guilty about it.  Life is more important than that.

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